I get the usual aches and pains for someone my age but honestly, I worry more for my Aunty. She is disabled and suffers from diabetes. Her brothers and sisters too, struggle. They all grew up as part of the stolen generation and the trauma they went through then, affects them still today.
It’s not surprising then that my family has its issues. Everything from feuding and jealousy to mental illness, drugs, prison, and child protection. But that’s not us. That’s what we endure not who we are. We are strong in our culture and despite our issues, our pain, our traumas, we look out for one another. There are some people in my life I would do anything for and they would do anything for me.
You might think, why don’t you reach out for help? I do sometimes. I have no choice. But when you have my family’s history, you don’t always feel safe asking for help. Institutions haven’t always been good to us. They don’t understand us. So where we can, we rely on each other.